CMMC v2.13 Practices


Reference: CMMC v2.13

Family: PE

Level Introduced: 2

Title: Limit Physical Access [CUI Data]

Limit physical access to organizational systems, equipment, and the respective operating environments to authorized individuals.

Further Discussion:
This addresses the company’s physical space (e.g., office, testing environments, equipment rooms), technical assets, and non-technical assets that need to be protected from unauthorized physical access. Specific environments are limited to authorized employees, and access is controlled with badges, electronic locks, physical key locks, etc.

Output devices, such as printers, are placed in areas where their use does not expose data to unauthorized individuals. Lists of personnel with authorized access are developed and maintained, and personnel are issued appropriate authorization credentials.

You manage a DoD project that requires special equipment used only by project team members [b,c]. You work with the facilities manager to put locks on the doors to the areas where the equipment is stored and used [b,c,d]. Project team members are the only individuals issued with keys to the space. This restricts access to only those employees who work on the DoD project and require access to that equipment.

Potential Assessment Considerations
• Are lists of personnel with authorized access developed and maintained, and are appropriate authorization credentials issued [a]?
• Has the facility/building manager designated building areas as “sensitive” and designed physical security protections (e.g., guards, locks, cameras, card readers) to limit physical access to the area to only authorized employees [b,c,d]?
• Are output devices such as printers placed in areas where their use does not expose data to unauthorized individuals [c]?

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Source: CMMC v2.13