CMMC v2.13 Practices


Reference: CMMC v2.13

Family: AC

Level Introduced: 1

Title: Authorized Access Control [FCI Data]

Limit information system access to authorized users, processes acting on behalf of authorized users, or devices (including other information systems).

Further Discussion:
Identify users, processes, and devices that are allowed to use company computers and can log on to the company network. Automated updates and other automatic processes should be associated with the user who initiated (authorized) the process. Limit the devices (e.g., printers) that can be accessed by company computers. Set up your system so that only authorized users, processes, and devices can access the company network.

This requirement, AC.L1-b.1.i, controls system access based on user, process, or device identity. AC.L1-b.1.i leverages IA.L1-b.1.v which provides a vetted and trusted identity for access control.

Example 1
Your company maintains a list of all personnel authorized to use company information systems [a]. This list is used to support identification and authentication activities conducted by IT when authorizing access to systems [a,d].

Example 2
A coworker wants to buy a new multi-function printer/scanner/fax device and make it available on the company network. You explain that the company controls system and device access to the network, and will prevent network access by unauthorized systems and devices [c]. You help the coworker submit a ticket that asks for the printer to be granted access to the network, and appropriate leadership approves the device [f].

Potential Assessment Considerations
• Is a list of authorized users maintained that defines their identities and roles [a]?
• Are account requests authorized before system access is granted [d,e,f]?

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Source: CMMC v2.13