CMMC Practices


Reference: CMMC 2.11

Family: MA

Level Introduced: 2

Title: Perform Maintenance

Perform maintenance on organizational systems.

CMMC Clarification:
Perform maintenance on your machines. This includes:
• corrective maintenance (e.g., repairing problems with the technology);
• preventative maintenance (e.g., updates to prevent potential problems);
• adaptive maintenance (e.g., changes to the operative environment); and
• perfective maintenance (e.g., improve operations).

You are in charge of IT at your company. As part of your role, you must perform maintenance on all the machines within your company. This includes regular planned maintenance, unscheduled maintenance, reconfigurations when required, and damage repairs. In addition to performing maintenance, you also keep track of all maintenance performed.

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Source: CMMC v2.0