CMMC Practices


Reference: CMMC 2.11

Family: AC

Level Introduced: 2

Title: Privacy & Security Notices

Provide privacy and security notices consistent with applicable CUI rules.

CMMC Clarification:
Every system has legal information about user privacy and security. A system-use notification banner displays the legal requirements of using the systems. Users are required to click to agree to the displayed requirements of using the system each time they logon to the machine. You can use this implicit agreement in the civil and/or criminal prosecution of an attacker that violates the terms.
Discuss legal notification requirements with your organization's legal counsel. This will ensure that they meet all applicable requirements. You should inform the user that:
• you may monitor, record, and subject to audit any information system usage;
• you prohibit unauthorized use of the information system;
• you may subject unauthorized use to criminal and civil penalties; and
• use of the information system indicates consent to monitoring and recording.

You are setting up IT equipment for your organization. You have worked with legal counsel to draft a notification. The system displays the required security and privacy information when anyone logs on to your organization's machines. You ensure that this notification displays to all users of all of the organization's machines.

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This is for registered users only. Please sign up for a free account, or Login, to see complete cross references to other standards and frameworks.

Source: CMMC v2.0