CMMC Practices


Reference: CMMC 2.11

Family: AC

Level Introduced: 2

Title: External Connections [CUI Data]

Verify and control/limit connections to and use of external information systems.

CMMC Clarification:
Make sure to control and manage connections between your company network and outside networks, such as the public internet or a network that does not belong to your company. Be aware of applications that can be run by outside systems. Control and limit personal devices like laptops, tablets, and phones from accessing the company networks and information. You can also choose to limit how and when your network is connected to outside systems and/or decide that only certain employees can connect to outside systems from network resources.

You help manage IT for your employer. You and your coworkers are working on a big proposal, and all of you will put in extra hours over the weekend to get it done. Part of the proposal includes Federal Contract Information, or FCI. FCI is information that you or your company get from doing work for the Federal government. Because FCI is not shared publicly, you remind your coworkers to use their company laptops, not personal laptops or tablets, when working on the proposal over the weekend.

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Source: CMMC v2.0